Sunday, September 1, 2013

Simple Pleasures

     Last week I came to London with hopes for a new adventure. At first, I found it discerning all of my belongings fit into three measly suitcases. However, stripping down to the bare essentials has been a great experience. Europeans may have gotten this one right. Maybe the true butterfly I was searching for was there all along. 

     So many of us go through life comparing materialistic things to one another. Let's be real, I came from Las Vegas; a city marketed on expensive cars, clothes, factitious club experiences. I may have bought into the culture for a second or two, but quickly realized what made me whole at the end of the day. 

    Some things were rather hard to part with in Europe: WiFi, my bank card, the touch of my truly endearing BF, Pandora and appliances(seek my future blog about appliances in EU). I figure this is a true test of my patience and endurance. I can do it!
   I have observed a lot of new places in Europe in just a week's time, here are few of the simple ones: 
- In the countryside of France, I enjoyed waking up to my peaceful high-rise and seeing how simple the days were there. Getting dressed to catch a cup of expresso and fresh baguette for the day. Later, enjoying a copious meal with vin and friends, followed by Trivial Pursuit or Life. 
- Barcelona had so much to offer with late-night Paella & Sangria, tons of beautiful architecture, and parties all night. - --- Finally, London where people never seem too busy to head to the park on a sunny day. 

     Though I have hit pits and peaks, I have learned to appreciate all that basks around me. Shedding away the small things helped me to see through to the simple pleasures. If there was anything I could take with me from this trip, it is the refreshed ability to see the true beauty of others, myself, and places that have been there all along.

- Jenn

"As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

1 comment:

  1. So true! And well written. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures in London.
